Git tips & tricks for everyday use - part 2

The first part of my git tips & tricks blogpost got some really good responses. It’s been a while so I think the time is right to compose a second list of tips & tricks!

Git tips & tricks for everyday use

I’ve been working with git for the last few years and I have some tricks to make my every day use a bit easier. So I wanted to share them and hopefully help someone with it.

This article is aimed at somebody who has already some experience using git.

Symfony 2.6 is released today

Today Symfony 2.6 is officialy released. This release is packed with nifty features and enhancements introduced by the DX initiative.

HTML5 placeholder support for IE9

Modern web applications use HTML5 placeholders to give a hint to the user about what to enter in a field.

Welcome to my blog

I will be using this place to share my experiences and thoughts on symfony/web development, new technologies and more.